Legacy Initiative Opportunities
Engrave a brick in your name or the name of a loved one; honor a soldier or veteran; in memory of a special person in your life; honor a teacher or student; mark a special date in your life (graduation, birthday, anniversary, or wedding), the possibilities are endless.
90 percent of the cost of each brick purchased will go towards the restoration of Harrison Fountain and Plaza. 10 percent of the cost will go to establish the Harrison Plaza Endowment will provide for the great needs and emerging priorities of Harrison Fountain and Plaza, including all pathways to the Plaza (Aderholt Way, Shelby Way, Cramer Way, etc.).
The opportunities available include:
8 x 8 Brick
The donor will have 6 lines, 20 characters per line including spaces, to inscribe their legacy message.
4 x 8 Brick
The donor will have 3 lines, 20 characters per line including spaces, to inscribe their legacy message.
Follow the links below to purchase your piece of history! (*Recent Graduates = up to 12 months after graduation.)
Brick orders that are purchased as gifts are eligible to receive a legacy card for gift-giving purposes. To receive a legacy card in time for the holiday season your brick must be purchased by the first Friday in December. Any brick purchased after the first Friday in December will have its legacy card issued in January.
Each tree will have a 12” x 8” naming plaque under it for the donor to inscribe their legacy message. The opportunities available include:
34 available - 19 remaining @ $2,500 each. *This may be paid $500 per year for 5 years.
- 5 are available along the Sanders College of Business and Technology/Gunn Commons pathway
- 4 are available along the Aderholt Way pathway
- 4 are available along the Cramer Way pathway
- 6 are available along the Shelby Way pathway
- If you are interested in a tree, please contact Kevin Haslam, Vice President for University Advancement, at 256.765.5018 or khaslam@images-collector.com.
Bronze Plaque*
The donor can craft their legacy message as they wish, within reason (while font size can be adjusted, we want to make sure the message is legible). The opportunities available include:
56 available - 5 remaining @ $5,000 each. *This may be paid $1,000 per year for 5 years.
- If you are interested in a 2'x2' Bronze Plaque, please contact Kevin Haslam, Vice President for University Advancement, at 256.765.5018 or khaslam@images-collector.com.
Marble Plaque*
The donor can craft their legacy message as they wish, within reason (while font size can be adjusted, we want to make sure the message is legible). The opportunities available include:
16 available - 4 remaining @ $10,000 each. *This may be paid $2,000 per year for 5 years.
* If you are interested in 3'x3' Marble Plaque, please contact Kevin Haslam, Vice President for University Advancement, at 256.765.5018 or khaslam@images-collector.com.
Each bench will have a 12” x 8” naming plaque attached to it for the donor to inscribe their legacy message. The opportunities available include:
13 available - 2 remaining @ $15,000 each. *This may be paid $3,000 per year for 5 years
- 2 are available on the Cramer Way pathway leading to the Plaza
* If you are interested in a bench, please contact Kevin Haslam, Vice President for University Advancement, at 256.765.5018 or khaslam@images-collector.com.